live deathgoodbye only to him, unbelievable.
Another man suddenly gone, a life ‘living’ in disbelief in front of everyone, leaving a void that cannot be filled. Who are we talking about? Here all the details and the reason for death are explained and illustrated in our in-depth analysis.
Live death, goodbye to him, incredible, all the details
At ilparagone.it we read and experience what is faithfully reported below:
‘A sudden illness while he was in the sky ready to jump as he had done many times in his life. An absurd tragedy in which G lost his life. st., 49-year-old paratrooper of Calabrian origin and member of the 186th Folgore Regiment stationed in Siena. As said by Corriere della Sera, The man died on the afternoon of April 13 in Orentano, in the Pisan municipality of Castelfranco di Sotto, where he was conducting a test launch with other comrades. Unfortunately, attempts to save him once he landed were useless‘
Source: ilparagone.it