On Sunday April 2nd, the Palazzetto di Malnate was the scene of a beautiful spring evening celebrating the victory of the under 17 territorial titles through the formation of Yaka. It’s the win for the whole group of 22 players, all cheering in the stands despite not being nominated but playing regular season games throughout the year to save the starters for the finals.
The national anthem, played live, is so stirring that it moves many in attendance to tears. The game tells of a home team’s perfect game in all fundamentals, also thanks to some absences in the ranks of the dreaded Saronno.
3 to 0 for the Yaka boys to the tireless cheers of the 350 supporters. Price Best Player for Fernando Quadranti, Price best striker for Tommaso Rodini, Price best setter for Davide Imperiali and price best free in Mangiacavalli del Saronno.
The awards were presented by Yaka Project President Carlo Faverio, Maltese Country Mayor Irene Bellifine and Sports Councilor Carola Botta, as well as representatives from the Italian Volleyball Federation.
Special award to Matteo Gandini, the second referee of the finals, because he was a role model for many children: federal referee, Yaka athlete and recent Masters graduate. Award also to Matteo Checcacci who, despite his very young age, is both a Yaka athlete and a new federal referee.
The U17 title comes on top of that already won by the U15 at the end of March.
(Source: press release yaka volley)