Two months until the first issue of the “Sportcity Meeting”a fundamental phase for the development and dissemination of the new philosophy and conception of movement culture, promoted by the Sportcity Foundation, the independent ideas laboratory created three years ago by a group of industry experts.
L’April 1st and 2nd at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Salsomaggiore Terme, One of the Italian cities turning into a real sports city, the leaders of dozens of Italian cities and the administration of Italian sport will come together to create a two-day event full of content and ideas for the future. And just these days the official program of the “Sportcity Meeting” has been defined, which will culminate with the signing by dozens of representatives of the Italian municipalities of the “Carta di Salsomaggiore”, a programmatic manifesto on the subject of sports cities, which will dictate the guidelines for urban transformation Spaces in places dedicated to unstructured sports practice.
On the first day of April 1st, the works will open with a round table entitled “Sport in Cities” which will bring together leaders from the Ministry of Sport, the Region of Emilia Romagna, the Municipality of Salsomaggiore Terme, Sport and Health, CONI, CIP, ANCI and European representation in Italy. This will be followed by the Value and Values discussion, which will bring together four top executives and longtime executives from the world of sport, such as LUigi De Siervo, Diego Nepi Molineris, Michele Uva and Fabio Pagliara. The day will end with various roundtables where industry experts will discuss with public administrators. On the other hand, April 2nd is the day for best practices, for the presentation of innovative formats and access routes to national and international funding for the development of sports cities.
“We are pleased to host this very important stage of a journey that, thanks to the expertise of the Sportcity Foundation, with which we are proud to work, will make Salsomaggiore the sporting city par excellence – Mayor Filippo Fritelli expressed his enthusiasm –. We are historically a reality with a strong vocation and a great sporting tradition, and being the stage on which the sportcities manifesto will be signed will allow us to continue together developing and promoting sport culture in our urban spaces.