Ariadne Benedetti, Born in 2000, the Porto Potenza Picena forward is enjoying the holidays and is waiting to get back to the gym and be ready to wear the jersey Volley Angels Lab. “This company was a wonderful surprise, I found myself very good both from a technical and a business point of view – explained – But above all, I found a fantastic team with whom it was easy to maintain morale even in the difficult periods of the championship“.
There Blessed She grew up volleying Torresi Porto Potenza Picena and then had a significant experience in Lombardy at Visette. Back in the Marche, she played in the Conero Volley in B2, moved to Monte San Giusto (still in B2) and then played the last three championships in Corridonia, with the last crowning glory winning the B2 series championship and the promotion that went with it to the B1. He has been at Rossoblù since last year, where a new season begins.
“I hope to find an equally united team despite all the difficultiesà – hopes Benedetti – Everyone pursues the same goal, namely to always do their best in training and in games. My goal is to improve as much as possible, both technically and mentally“.
Compared to the previous championship, the group in which Volley Angels Lab placed this season has some differences. “In the past few yearsI – comments the Portopotentina player – As the level of the B2 championship has steadily increased, we know full well that every team we face has its pitfalls. Maximum concentration will always be required!”
(Source: press release)