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Alternative pleasures at home Casciavola volleyball last weekend. To the victory of Pedia Tuss In C series acted as a counterpart to the round loss Katinka travel In D series.
Series C – Third win in a row for the Pedia Tuss which also surpassesRiotorto Volleyball Union and confirms the good moment of form. Despite the important absence of Captain Gori and Viola batthe rossoblù formation conquered the field with great determination, giving continuity to the game and showing excellent defense that exhausted the opponents in the long run.
To replace those absent on the list, Greta returns Bolognani and Alice makes her first appearance interrupterBorn in 2008. Coach leg cutter field Liuzzo towards, Vaccaro opposite, luppichini And Lichtota central, messina And gaibotti crusher, with Matteos And Tellini take turns in the role of the free. After a balanced start, the batting shift is entrusted Liuzzo generates the first break of the game in favor of the Rossoblùs, who extend by five lengths that they manage without the opponents being able to equalize. The defense is well supported mainly thanks to the attacks from the offensive flares gaibotti who will eventually score 21 points.
However, there is no lack of options in attack, Liuzzo he manages the team at his best, is now questioning the key players, good Lichtotabut also the younger ones, with Bolognaniquestioned during the game, also author of two important blocks, now the bands and the opposite, not at home either messina And Vaccaro You will finish the race like Lichtotabinary.
After also dominating the second set, the rossoblù suffer a slight decline in the third and the experienced opponents take advantage of this to score the only important break of the game that puts them six lengths ahead, the Pedia Tuss he misses, comeback by 19:19 but still suffers a 4-0 run that seems to end the set. However, the Rossoblùs decided to put their lives at risk, nullifying two set points on Pietrini’s serve, but then had to surrender on the third try due to an error from nine yards.
There is great balance in the fourth set with the two teams going one and the other on points without ever being able to stretch. Only in the final, with the serve on gaibotti, comes the decisive break. There Pedia Tuss From 16-17 he goes up to 20-17, these are those three valuable points that are held until the end, until the match point, which, like seven days ago in Cascina, is decided by an attack in the center Lichtota.
PediaTuss Casciavola – Union Volley Riotorto 3:1 (25:20, 25:26, 23:25, 25:21)
Pedia Tuss Casciavola: Messina, Luppichini, Vaccaro, Di Matteo, Lichota, Gaibotti, Tellini, Paoletti, Liuzzo, Frangioni, Bolognini, Pietrini. Alles. leg cutter
Riotorto Volleyball Union: Novelli, Giuggioli, Cardinali, Saggini, Vallini, Bianchi, Noci, Pedroni, Cappellini, Barbi, Ippolito, Santini, Brunetti, Pacube De Leo. Alles. D’Alesio
referee: Stefano Torriani
D series – Another evening not for them Katinka travel Casciavola the, against the Livorno volleyballgoes at the end of a game in which the girls of Bertini They always struggled to keep up with their opponents. The start is nightmarish, the rossoblùs suffer a 7:1 run in no time at all and are then unable to catch the opponent who, on the contrary, continues to increase the score.
The second movement also reflects the progress of the first and only in the finale Corsican and teammates manage to make the deficit less difficult also thanks to changes to the Livorno bench that gave the owners some breathing room.
In the third set, Katinka Travel managed to express itself on its levels, if only in one way. This is also the part of the big regret, because after a balanced start the rossoblù go to 19-13, it could be the flash that opens the game again, instead it’s the swan song. The Livornese bring themselves back, overcoming the casciavoline and getting two match points: as soon as the first one disappears, they close the game on the second try.
Now the Rossoblùs need to look hard and start picking up the points that have been missing for four games.
Volley Livorno 3-0 Katinka Travel Casciavola (25:15, 25:29, 25:23)
Livorno volleyball: Amoruso, Boschetto, Clazecchi, Arbeiter, Luperini, Mauro, Meoni, Thumb, Salani, Solimani, Tosi. Alles. Castellano
Katinka Travel Casciavola: Viegi, Di Coscio, Caciagli, Pugliesi, Caponi, Rutinelli, Nanni, Corsini, Bandecchi, Centi, Lancioni. Alles. Bertini
referee: David Gronchi
(Source: press release)