The feeling of contentment and joy in the house of Consorzio Vero Volley is strong given the last triumph of the season: conquering the first Del Monte® Junior Leaguepicked upunder 20 of the Real Volleyball Monza in Civitanova Marche. First place in the competition organized by Serie A Volleyball League It was reserved for the youth formations of his clubs and was the icing on the cake of a sporting year full of joy.
The second Scudetto final of the True Volley Milanable to also reach the Italian Cup final and qualify for the third consecutive season CEV Champions League and for the first time in the Italian Supercup final and return to Europe Real Volleyball Monzaable to win i Playoffs 5th place Thanks to the smile in the final against Perugia. On these topics, in addition to presenting the new squad and the goals for the next season, the sports director of the Vero Volley consortium also intervened, Claudius BonatiExtremely pleased with the work of the athletes and staff throughout this long and exciting year of sport.
About the junior league: “A great satisfaction because it is the national title of a very important event of the men’s league, which gives great importance to the youth field. I’m really happy about this win because it’s guys that we see growing up in our youth teams who have won this title that gives great prestige to our work. Magliano and Rossi were already part of our squad for the Superlega, Morazzini will be next year. In recent years there have been Gaggini and many others who continue the tradition of our youth field. In a way, drawing from the best elements for our Serie A is our team building philosophy.”
On the transfer market of the first two Vero Volley teams: “I’m very confident, I think we’ve built two very, very competitive teams. One (the women’s Serie A1, editor’s note) will certainly fight for the top spots, and the other (the men’s Superlega, editor’s note) will, I believe, conquer important places. With the men we took back Europe, which was very important to us and that was our goal, and now we just have to win this trophy, which we are a little missing in the final that we lost to Belgorod.”
Egonu and Takahashi the big hits: “In my opinion, Paola Egonu is currently the best player in the world and we are very happy that she accepted our proposal and our challenge with enthusiasm, because it is about bringing great volleyball to Milan and winning together.” Above all with the idea of introducing volleyball to a lot of young people, which is a bit of the goal we set ourselves for landing in Milan.”
“Ran Takahashi is definitely a very, very interesting guy from a technical point of view. He’s very young because he’s from 2001, it will be his second year in Serie A, he’s grown a lot, he’s very motivated to come to us and I think he’s going to have a very important place work out. He is certainly one of the Japanese idols and this will also give us the opportunity to face another world that we currently know little about.”
Regarding the confirmations of the two coaches Massimo Eccheli and Marco Gaspari: “I am very happy that we can continue to work together with our coaches, whom I have great respect for and get along with very well. Both have surpassed last year’s results and achieved some important goals. I am convinced that our trend is right and that we are improving year by year. One of our important tasks is working with young people, young talents that we seek out in certain situations where we arrive first and then let them grow. That is always very important – concludes Bonati – because it gives us recognition for the work we do.”
(Source: press release Real Volleyball)