The second day of Third division ended with a 3-0 win at the end of a close and exciting game.
The girls played with determination and concentration, despite the many absences, even at the last minute, which forced coach Epifori to change the lineup. Presumably for this reason, the team played more compactly and attentively, managed to control the balls behind them and force attacks from all areas. However, the decisive card was the serve, which proved to be very effective and gave the girls the opportunity to grab the extra point in the most difficult moments.
The coach’s comment: “They were very good! We served very well: by forcing it, we brought the opposing team’s reception into crisis and that certainly contributed the most to the victory. Added to this was the luck of getting that particular formation right to which the girls could adapt quickly. This new structure in this game had an impact and also gave me ideas for the future. The girls were very happy with the performance and the win and that was very important for morale all.”.
Now the derby with Certaldo awaits in the third division, which currently has two clear victories. The date is Saturday, November 4th at 9 p.m. at Enriques Gym.
Rinascita Volley – Volleyball I’Giglio: 0 – 3 (25-27, 25-27, 17-25)
(Source: press release)