It is now close to the symbolic green light. Monday 14 AugustIn fact, coach Marco Sinibaldi’s season will officially begin at the Daily Arena, which will begin their approach to the first day of the Serie A1 Women’s Championship, which begins with the away game on Sunday October 8th Field of Italian champions of Prosecco Doc Imoco Conegliano.
At the Itas Trentino meeting, scheduled for the early afternoon, twelve of the fourteen athletes of the squad set up by the club in Via Trener during the summer will be present: the only ones absent, in addition to the assistant coach Milo Piccinini will be central Giulia Marconato and Madeleine Gatesengaged in their respective national teams and ready to join their companions in the first days of September.
A very intense first week of preparation for the season awaits Michieletto and his companions, including technical-tactical sessions, moments of work in the weight room and in the swimming pool. The first joint training session is scheduled for Saturday September 9th when the Gialloblù take on Volley Bergamo 1991 in Verona.
Marco Sinibaldi and his staff have at their disposal the lifters Stocco and Guiducci, the opponents Zago and DeHoog, the spikers Francesca Michieletto, Mason, Angelina and Shcherban, the central players Moretto and Olivotto and the free players Parlangeli and Mistretta.
(Source: press release)