A real digital revolution stands at the gates for the e-work Busto Arsizio Version 2023/24. Immediately after the end of the season, the red and white immediately sat down on the bench ideas for the future: While we are building the new team, it’s already time to present the big news in terms of image. Today it makes its debut on the social channels UYBA la renewed graphic design accompanying all the content offered to fans on a daily basis.
Butterfly fans are confronted with posts and content fromvery varied, innovative and ambitiousas the communications manager explains George Ferrario: “We are very proud to present this new project that we have been studying and designing for the last four months and that will breathe new life into the image of UYBA: we are constantly looking for new solutions for the development of our brand, and this step will be fundamental to make even everything in our world more modern and engaging: almost all posts are made in dynamic animated graphics and in trend with the recent and current fads of the social world. We have many projects for next season starting with a new live program “UYBA Connections” which we will present in the coming weeks”.
The digital revolution is ready to fuel theUYBA communicationthat was also this yearthe most effective of the women’s volleyball series Awith very high numbers on all platforms. These are the follower numbers that confirm the Bustocca club as the most followed in Italy: in the 22/23 season 95,000 “followers” were gained, an increase of 47.5% compared to the previous season.
103,300 Instagram
98,500 tiktoks
80,100 Facebooks
10,450 tweeters
2,630 Youtube
860 LinkedIn
295,840 in total
(Source: press release)
The article The UYBA announces its “digital revolution” comes from Volley News.