Alessio Dionisi, Sassuolo coach, spoke at a press conference before the game against Lazio
Alexei DionysisCoach of Sassuolospoke at a press conference before the game against Lazio. His statements:
SASSUOLO LAZIO– “The transition week was the last, this one is different because it leads to the game that we only prepared today with all the players, not yesterday, but we have already been working for Lazio since last week. “We are starting to work on this one Game not finished yet. Of course we can’t wait to get back on the pitch, just training isn’t enough for us, we compete with the opponents and I can’t wait to face a strong team like Lazio who proved it last year. Coming second with performance, having strengthened the team, having a good coach will be difficult but nice.”
START OF THE SEASON– «We are only at the beginning, we are created for different goals. We played a few more games and the balance is more balanced: that means either Lazio did less or we did more. I think of us, I regret some games, to this day we can’t imagine having grown and become better, we had some halves but also some important performances, we have to compete with other opponents to understand who we are are.”.