Francis Moretti44 years old, former national team coach U19 and Serie A C as part of the collaboration with the CCity of Castello Volleyball as well as coaches from Erm Group San Giustino in the 2020/21 season (that of the play-off final against Leo Shoes Casarano) he was nominated Technical Director of Men’s and Women’s Youth Volleyball San Giustino. By expressing its greatest satisfaction at reaching the agreement, the company wants to send a loud and clear signal by investing economic and human resources in the youth sector project, considering the development and programming for the youngest to be of utmost importance.
The professionalism as well as the technical and managerial qualities of Francis Moretti They do nothing but increase the potential and quality of the project and embellish it with their skills. “A task that for me represents the great reward after years of work in this area – explained Moretti – and now it goes on regularly, albeit in a different guise.”
(Source: press release)