Cagliari coach Claudio Ranieri spoke to Corriere della Sera about new signing Jakub Jankto
Claudius Rainier He accomplished the umpteenth feat of his career by taking Cagliari to Serie A. Continue today Corriere della Sera intervenes with one of his players, Jakub Janktomuch talked about after he decided to make his homosexuality public and the words of the Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi, which sparked a lively debate.
THE MINISTER’S WORDS – “If I read correctly, he said there was no problem. I saw that they insisted that he spoke of ostentation.’
ABODI – “Everyone has their own ideas, but there is always someone who wants to extrapolate something to create a controversy.” I know Abodi, a serious, competent and sensitive person. And he brought all of that to his service.”
BUYING JANKTO – “I have given no ratings other than good player, intelligent, fit for my project, serious, available, great professional.” Those are the things I look at in a player, other things don’t interest me . I know he’s a golden boy. If you explain things to him, he tries to put them into practice. Then, like everyone else, he can do good or bad.”
THE COMING OUT – “I understand how much he must have suffered before, to express something self-evident: it was hard for him and who knows how many other children it is, I don’t know in football or in sports, but exactly.” in the family. That’s why I said it would be nice if there were other messages like this, to make people understand that there are no differences.”
IN BARI THE CHOIRS STOP AGAINST – “I want people to cheer only for us: our President Tommaso Giulini has set up a cheering school for children.” We want to propose the values of sport. We want to do something and we who are visible must try to do more to enlighten everyone. I know it’s utopian, but if you never try…».