The representatives of theAvimecc Volley ModicaThis morning they met the students of the Scholastic Institute “Raffaele Poidomani” to talk to them about the importance of a healthy diet and a proper lifestyle not only for athletes, but especially in the daily life of every individual.
At the interesting meeting, which was strongly requested by the blue and white management and suggested and welcomed by the teacher Veronica VenetianHeadmaster of “Raffaele Poidomani”, the president of the Modica association took part, Ezio Aprile, Stefano ChillemiCaptain of the county sextet, next Sunday at 6 p.m “PalaRizza” against that The rebirth of Lagonegro will make his debut in front of the cameraMen’s Series A3 ChampionshipTrainer Enzo Distefano and the nutritionist from Modica training, Dr Giuseppe Giuliano who aroused the attention and curiosity of the students and explained to them how important it is to eat healthily and lead a healthy lifestyle in order to always be able to give the best, not only in sport, but also in everyone’s everyday life. Because it is clear that With the right diet and a right standard of living, you can always give your best at every opportunity and not just in sports.
“Our club – underlines the President Ezio Aprile – intends to be present and vibrant in the region, not only on the pitch but also through initiatives like this one, which aim to achieve positive social consequences in the fight against a modern plague like this Childhood obesity. Sport – he continues – has always aroused attraction and curiosity in children and for this reason we are committed to supporting schools and families and guiding children to a positive and healthy lifestyle. I thank the school principal, Professor Veneziano, for welcoming us and giving us this opportunity“.
The representatives of theAvimecc Volley Modica They met the students, divided into two groups, and showed them how proper nutrition can often bring benefits to the person, and not just on a physical level.
“As an entrepreneur who works in the food sector and has invested in sport for many years – explains the general director ofAvimecc Volley Modica, Luca Leocata –I believe that it is fundamental to provide young people with correct information about nutrition education. Practicing a healthy lifestyle combined with exercise is a good habit that you develop from childhood, but it no longer works – he concludes Leokata – prevents many problems in adulthood“.
The meeting with theAvimecc Volley Modica This was a strong wish of the headmaster of the institute “Raffaele Poidomani”. Veronica Veneziano and it is part of an interesting project in which she firmly believes.
“The comprehensive institute “Raffaele Poidomani” – explains the teacher Venetian – is working on goal 3 of theAgenda 2023, that is, ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of everyone and all ages. Today – he continues – he did it in a special way, by meeting himAvimecc Volley Modica who, thanks to his nutritionist, talked to our students about proper nutrition, but also took the opportunity to talk about exercise. Sport is life – concluded the teacher Venetian – but it is also and above all inclusion.”
(Source: press release)