His column today says: “the coffee“ in the Corriere della Sera, Massimo Gramellini expressed himself clearly and precisely on the “judgment” in the case of abuse in the “butterflies” of rhythmic gymnastics.
Gramellini writes: “The sports justice system has effectively acquitted the former rhythmic gymnastics “Butterflies” coach Emanuela Maccarani of allegations of mistreatment with a simple warning. This reinforces a contrary principle: in competitive environments such as those of competitive sports, bullying and mocking subordinates with the aim of softening their character is a behavior of great educational value. The same attorney general who represented the prosecution in the trial argued that Maccarani “sinned by excessive affection (but is there really excessive affection?)“.
There is also a great truth in the last part of Gramellini’s article, published on the front page: “Many believe that this is the only way a personality can be formed, but we are not all the same and there is a line that not even the strictest educator should ever cross. It’s called respect“.
In this context, we cannot help but recall the words spoken in June by… Alessandra MarzariPresident of the consortium Real volleyballon the occasion of the presentation of the qualitative-quantitative survey on abuse and violence in sport Change the game Nielsen commissioned and revealed for the first time that of a sample of almost 1,500 athletes, 39% admitted to having suffered violence while playing the sport in the first 18 years (19% had suffered multiple violence), 30% had also victims of psychological violence, 19% of physical violence, 15% of neglect and 14% of sexual violence. National or international levels of competition are most affected, with 35% of violence coming from teammates and 30% from coaches, often with bullying-like episodes.
“It is time for those who run sport, be it Coni, a federation or a small sports club, to become aware that abuse exists and that it is their employees who perpetrate it – he explained Alessandra Marzari –. A consciousness that seems distant and, above all, slow to act, clouded by unspeakable thoughts that smell of fear of the truth and of protecting the indefensible. Every actor in the world of sport can do something to combat those who deprive sport of its main mission, which is to improve life skills, promote social adaptation and discourage all girls, boys and young people from risky behavior. who pursue it with passion and innocence. Anyone who is involved in sport and does not actively and practically combat abuse with facts becomes an obscure guarantor, an accomplice. And we don’t have the numbers that come with this research without accomplices.”.
(Source: Vero Volley)