A clear defeat on the score, however tempered by the persistent and good technical depth unlined for most of the first two sections. In the derby of the fourth to last day Sportilia volleyball Yields around 0-3 al PalaDolmen before star volleyballwhich in turn builds on the success of the first leg and consolidates third place in Group L. With the salvation goal in the bag for two weeks, the blue and whites prevailed generously against the listed opponents and made up for the lackluster performances of Pescara and Teramo.
Installation Nicholas Nuzzi relies on the usual sextet with Losciale dribbling and Bella Pianta opposite, the tandem Nazzarini – De Nicolò in the band, Di Reda and Lo Basso in the centre; Massaro as free. Long, balanced opening set with several hard-fought and spectacular rallies. Star volley outlines overtime to 12-16 and follows to 13-18, causing the bench blue and white to request the first time-out, on the return De Nicolò and his teammates produce a stubborn recovery that slipstreams back until 20 -21 At this point, coach Sarcinella opts for the suspension, useful to trigger the Nerofuchsia’s sprint, which prevails for 21-25.
Sportilia enter the second set (8-4) with remarkable determination and hold that lead until 16-12, the prelude to Star Volley’s time-out. We return to the tables of the PalaDolmen and the progression of the challenge changes radically due to the powerful break of 1-11 with which the Nerofuchsia overturns the score, pawning the set and then forfeiting at 20-25.
During the build-up there was also room for Piaulli and the other libero Luzzi in the blue-white ranks, but in the third fraction the opponents soon took command of operations (6-10, 8-14) and inexorably widened the gap clear lead of up to 13-25 that puts the match to rest after just over 90 minutes of play.
Sportilia stays in the ranking ninth digit with 23 points and from Monday he returns to the gym to prepare for the outdoor derby sunday 23 in the PalaAssi with theAdria Trani.
Sportilia Bisceglie – Star Volleyball 0-3 (21-25, 20-25, 13-25)
Sportilia bisceglie: Nazzarini, Bella Pianta, De Nicolò, A Losciale, Massaro (L), Di Reda, Lo Basso; Luzzi (L), Piarulli; in Zingarelli, Roselli, Mastropasqua. Alles. Nuzzi.
star volleyball: Bacchi, Mileno, Todisco (L), Haliti, Costantini, Padula, Telesca; D’Ambrosio, Gambacorta; in Cacciapaglia, Losavio, Alfonsi, Zicari, Parisi. Alles. Sarcinella.
referee: Milena Pazzi and Mariangela Pascarella.
(Source: press release Sportilia Volley Bisceglie)