The President of GeVi Napoli Federico Grassi on La Repubblica – Napoli spoke after his team's qualification for the Frecciarossa Final Eight 2024: “The victory against Tortona after 4 knockouts is the most important moment of the first round, it gave momentum to the group.” Thanks to one sensational audience that has been with us since the beginning of the year. I'm overjoyed because this Final Eight is an important milestone like promotion to Serie A. What changed last summer? The mentality of the club and the skills of the sports department manager Pedro Llompart. Brown's attitude was crucial: Pedro gave us a name after Jaworski's injury and in two days he brought him home, a perfect operation, a turning point. All of this is also possible thanks to the work of the management team and coach Pancotto last year, who then made himself available to Milicic. Llompart and Milicic have opted for a “shorter” and higher quality group. They were also good at waiting for some players to lower their demands.