Last weekend… Joke in Bagher. The strange episode occurred last Sunday during the first day game of the Blue Group between Macerata bench And Just British Bari: It was the spiker that provided the “special” service Enrico Lazzarettowho, to compensate for an incorrect ball throw, tried to hit the ball with both arms in order to direct it into the opponent’s field.
For the avoidance of doubt, we would like to point out that this is the case an irregular act (Don’t do it at home!): The regulation states that during the service “The ball must be hit with the hand or any part of the arm after being thrown or released by the hand(s).“. In short, you only need to use one hand (or arm) and not both. However, in the present case The referees did not intervene and the joke was considered valid. For the record, Macerata then won 3-1 in a game that will also be remembered Duration of the fourth movement (39-37 in 56 minutes), the longest time ever in Serie A3 and the fourth in the entire history of Serie A.