The countdown will end soon. Five more days, then the women’s national team will step onto the field for the start European Championships She will travel all over Italy (in the cities of Verona, Monza, Turin and Florence). The opening game will take place 15th of Augustif Italy will debut against them Romania.
Just yesterday the blue trainer, David Mazzanti, has released the reservations and announced the names of the Blues who will take part in the continental review. Many exclusions and a long-awaited return: that of Paula Egonu.
The opposite had already been called for at the Nations League after the outbreak in October and the hypotheses of abandoning the blue shirt, but without entering the field. Gian Luca Pasini interviewed her for The Sports Journal.
“It will certainly be exciting to play a large part of the European Championship in Italy – begins Egonu – and I am sure it will be both an encouragement and a great source of pride for us. We expect a lot of support from our fans. Our team is ambitious and we will do our best with this group to reach the goal“.
Italy has always been one of the favorite teams at any event since 2018, but Paola doesn’t find him a burden: “WE DESERVE IT.” If they now respect us as a national team, it means we’ve come a long way in earning it and we’ll make sure it stays that way.”
(Source: La Gazzetta dello Sport)